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The formula used for calculating the LCOE of renewable energy technologies is(go to Amortisation Calculator):



LCOE = the average lifetime levelised cost of electricity generation;

I t = investment expenditures in the year t;

Mt = operations and maintenance expenditures in the year t;

Ft = fuel expenditures in the year t;

Et = electricity generation in the year t;

r = discount rate;

and n = economic life of the system

Click the Sliders to calculate LCOE(once you click on it it will start)

Investment expenditures price (EUR/kWp 750 EUR - 2000 EUR):

Operation hours per year:

Period in the years:

Photovoltaic Electricity Cost per kWh:

Click the Sliders to calculate Capital Costs

Price of Modules per Watt(Cent per Watt):

Watt per Module

Amount of Modules:

Watt of the System:

kWp of the System:

Inverter and Rest:

Capital Cost for your System:

Capital Cost for your System per kWp:

Amortization of your Photovoltaic online Calculation - Inflation

Usage per kWh/year per kWp(1000 Watt)

Price of Electricity in Eurocent/kWh

Annual Price Increase -Inflation (1,02 = 2%)

Total Cost of the Photovoltaic per kWp(per 1000 Watt)

Expenses per year in Electricity:

Spending after 25 years -inclusive Inflation:

Stromkosten Gesamt mögliche Ersparnis

Financial Plan
PV-Anlage 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025
not billed Electricity
invested Capital

Photovoltaic Production per month in kwh(for individual Data - please contact us!)

Powerusage per Day H0 Standard of VDEW

See also - contact me
