Solar-power replacement as a solution for hydropower foregone in US dam removals

If all the hydro-dams in the United States were removed and only 50% of the emergent land was used for PVs, 945,062 GWh yr−1 power could be generated, which is 3.44 times the current hydropower generation. Details of this remarkable Study, which estimates only ‘fixed tilt PVs with a capacity of 2.4ha MWp’. Theroretical we have 20% efficiency so 10.000 m² for 1000 Watt per m² is 0.5ha MWp here the Calulator with nature article

Space Efficiency Calculator



Width of the Photovoltaic Module mm(1675 Module)
Length of the Photovoltaic Module mm(997 Module)
Watt per STC(1000W sun per m²) Watt(380 Watt Module)
Result in % Efficiency to Space: %

Size of the module
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