Photovoltaic for Europe

Solar Prices decline slows now cheaper than Gas

For Solar Veterans it is a late satisfaction, that the Solar and Photovoltaic Hardware is now so cheap that globally it is replacing Coal and Gas Electrification.

Lazards has released their two levelized cost of hardware reports – 2019 Levelized Cost of Energy (pdf) and the 2019 Lazards Levelized Cost Storage (pdf) analysis. At a high level, both solar power and energy storage have shown continued price declines, but the numbers are of course much more complex.

Solar power’s utility scale price declines have slowed over time. The report suggests an unsubsidized utility scale solar power plant is going to generate electricity at a cost between 3.6 and 4.4¢/kWh. This price has fallen 89% over the past ten years, an average of 20% decline per year over the period. Over  5 years, that decline fell to 13%, and over the last year that price decline was 4-10%.

writes the US PV Magazin.

The Figures are massiv, we must now focus on the Soft Costs and wise Public Relation to get the momentum and decarbonize the Power and Heat Grid. In many Regions in the US Artificial Intelligence supported Satellite Data shows up to 15% of private Roofs are now Solar. Many Communities are now dictating obligate new Roof Regulations: So you have to plant your roofs and/or use white Colors with Photovoltaic.

Europe will need centuries to reach these figures. The soft Cost and Barriers for example small Plugin Mikroinverter are tremendous and contra productive. In Europe we have up to 80% fossile or limited biomass(PM2.5 ) share for our heat, cool and electricity. Also the traffic in Europe is still massive subsidized, there is practical no tax on commercial Diesel and road pricing is getting one setback after the other.

When you are a municipally and want to become more solar do not hesitate to contact me.

Amount of Module to Watt to kWh to EUR Calculator

Energy in kilowatt-hours (kWh) to Power in Watts (W - NOCT)


Amount of Modules: PCs
Monetary Subsidy or Saved Power in Cent: Cent
Inflation: %
Timespan: Years
Albedo Effect through bright Surfaces 1.5(0.5) normal 1.25* ρ - only bifaciale Modules
Choose the PV Technic:
Possible Power in Watt: Watt
Sunhour per Year: hr
Energy Result in Kilowatthours: kWh
Money Result in EUR: EUR
Money Result after Inflation
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