Photovoltaic for Europe

Calculate Corona doubling by yourself

“The greatest weakness of humanity is its inability to understand the exponential function,” said physicist Al Bartlett in his book “The Essential Exponential!” written.

There are 112 (known) corona cases in Austria today and the rate of duplication (outside of China) is 4 days. So could there be 1 million cases in Austria in just over a month? Do the calculations yourself with this doubling calculator!

Calculate doubling growth online – compound interest calculation

Calculate doubling growth online – compound interest calculation

Give a the initial or start value x0,
and the duplication factor a

Start Value (x0): Amount of Infects
Days(t): Days
Doublingspeed in Days(t): Days
Doublingspeed in Days 2nd Scenario(t): Days
Amount of Infects Amounts

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