Photovoltaic for Europe

TWh, GWh, MWh, kwh to kWp, MWp, GWp Photovoltaic Equivalents

World is using a much of Energy but how much are Energy Units in Terms of Photovoltaic Power Plants in Peak Energy. Currently we use 76 Million Barrel of Oil per Day. So use these calculators and make your own conclusions.

Twh, Gwh, Mwh, kWh to kWp, MWp, GWp Photovoltaic Calculator

Full Load Sun per Year in Parts of Europe are about 1300 hours:

Your kWh: kWh
Full Sunload hours in kw/kwh: std
Result in kilowatt PVeq:  kWp in PV
Result in megawatt PVeq:  MWp in PV
Result in gigawatt PVeq:  GWp in PV

Barrel in Liter, Barrel in kWh MWh, EROIE in Kwh und MWh, Barrel in CO2 kg

Barrel in Liter, Barrel in kWh MWh, EROIE in Kwh und MWh, Barrel in CO2 kg
Barrel: boe
EROI(0-1): %
Energy in kwh kwh/boe
Co2 kg per Barrel[1] kg CO2eq/boe
Barrel in Liter ∑ Liter
∑ Sum kwh ∑ kWh
∑ Sum Mwh ∑ MWh
∑ Sum Gwh ∑ GWh
∑ Sum Twh ∑ TWh
∑ Sum Co2eq Co2 tonne


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