Photovoltaic for Europe

How mirrors improve the performance of photovoltaics

Two new US-Saudi studies were published this week. It is a little disturbing how much KAUST University spends on energy research when we consider that this country is dependent on a limited raw material such as petroleum. It could indicate an earlier peak of fossil finite fuels. From an economic standpoint, however, it has always been important to increase efficiency, because cheaper energy can do a lot for the growth of a nation and for the acceptance of new energies. Interestingly, I have already published both approaches here, both concentrated solar power with photovoltaics and pure cooling with mirrors. Of course, a test with a power plant is still pending for both studies, but I am very optimistic that the Saudis and other nations will do everything they can to have cheap energy. In Austria I’m not so sure because I don’t know of any large research facilities. There are always research funds and lighthouse projects, but nobody wants to go out of their comfort zone, so we keep waiting to see what solar development from other countries brings. However, with the article, the onus is once again on the Austrian government and they can decide whether to finally invest money in independent solar research. If you don’t want to wait for the day that never comes and want to develop a photovoltaic hybrid project, I would be happy to explain how it works and the underlying formulas in more detail. Existing roof and outdoor photovoltaics can also be subsequently optimized with.


Calculate Degradation from Heat online – Modul Power -0,06 instead of -0,25

Gebe den initialen bzw Anfangs- Wert ein x0,
Wachstums/Degrations Rate r und Zeit Intervall t und drücke den Berechnen Knopf:

Start Wert (x0):  
Wachstums-/Zerfalls- Rate(r): %
Wachstums-/Zerfalls- Rate(r): %
Zeitraum (t):  
Value at time t (x(t)):  
Value at time t (x(t)):  

Beispiel(70er Regel zum Schätzen der Verdopplung/Halbierung: 70/r)

x0 = 50

r = 4% = 0.04

t = 90 hours

x(t) = x0
× (1 + r) t = 50×(1+0.04)90 = 1706






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